Individuals from 11 through 79 years of age. The battery can be administered by psychologists (school, clinical, pediatric, and clinical neuropsychological, among others), occupational therapists, physical therapists, educators, diagnosticians, and others who are interests in examining visual-perception and visual-motor abilities.
The Developmental Test of Visual Perception–Adolescent and Adult: Second Edition (DTVP-A:2) is a well-researched, norm-referenced measure of general visual-perceptual skills. The DTVP-A:2 provides practitioners with valid and reliable scores that measure adolescent and adult strengths and weaknesses in important areas of visual perception. In particular, it enables examiners to make comparisons between visual-perceptual, visual-motor, and visual-motor efficiency skills.
The DTVP-A:2 has seven subtests that measure different but interrelated visual-perceptual and visual-motor abilities: Eye–Hand Coordination, Form Constancy, Copying, Visual Closure, Visual-Motor Search, Visual-Motor Speed, and Figure–Ground. The results of the seven DTVP-A:2 subtests can be combined to form four composites: Visual-Motor Integration Index (VMI), Motor-Reduced Visual Perception Index (MRP), Visual-Motor Efficiency Index (VME) and General Visual Perceptual Index (GVP).
The DTVP-A:2 requires the use of an electronic scoring system. The DTVP-A:2 Online Scoring and Report System included in the kit allows the examiner to enter the examinee’s subtest raw scores and quickly generate Standard Summary and Detailed Narrative reports.
The following primary changes were made in moving from the first edition DTVP-A to the second edition DTVP-A:2: An eye-hand coordination subtest was added. All of the artwork was upgraded. The picture book was changed from the original portrait orientation to a more examiner- and examinee-friendly landscape orientation. Due to ceiling effects on several subtests, more difficult items were created. Scoring of the Copying subtest was changed to enhance the reliability of the scores for this task. New normative data were collected. The subtest scaled scores were developed using a continuous norming procedure. All items were resubmitted to new analyses of differential item functioning. New and more extensive validation studies were conducted and are reported in the manual. Scoring of the DTVP-A:2 is electronic only. Inclusion of the software eliminates the need to include normative tables in the Examiner’s Manual and ensures accurate application of basals and ceilings as well as calculations of scores.
Technical requirements
The DTVP-A:2 requires the use of an electronic scoring system. Access to the all-new DTVP-A:2 Online Scoring and Report System is now included with the purchase of each DTVP-A:2 Complete Kit and with every replacement pack of Examiner Record Booklets purchased. The activation code scoring program requires good internet service and a current web browser with Javascript enabled.
The General Visual Perceptual Index (GVP) reliability is .95, with the other index reliabilities ranging from .91 to .94.
Extensive validity information is reported in the Examiner’s Manual that accompanies the test. Types of validity reported include content-description, criterion-prediction, and construct-identification. Validity with special populations, including persons with learning disabilities, gifted and talented, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, traumatic brain injury, and cerebrovascular accident, are reported. Special attention was paid to making the DTVP-A:2 fair for minority groups. Validity evidence reported in the Examiner’s Manual demonstrates the test’s value for assessment of diverse groups of persons.
The normative sample consists of 1,482 adolescents and adults that closely represent the population of the United States.
20 to 30 minutes
In Anwendung seit 2021.